DPHK #3 Shooting Star 2020,
DPHK Alaskan Malamute Female #3 2021, 2022, #1 2023
Danish Champion, Club Champion
Copenhagen Winner 2022

Ani @ 23 months
Date of Birth:
Long Coat
Mar 25 2020:
Seal & Hvid
31 kg
60 cm
Clear ('21, '22)
Great was the joy, when seal puppies arrived in the Dream Litter, and we had our dream come true by getting Ani. A mix of the masculine good looks, superb temperament, strong health from Eddie with the pretty feminine exterior, joyful and lovable temperament and strong working abilities from Leia.
It is very clear, that Grandpa Anakin sends his regards to us through Ani.
There are so many resemblances between Anakin/Indi and Ani.
The name “Ani” is chosen, as this is what the adults call young Anakin in Star Wars I.
This closes the ring between Anakin and Ani – not just by name, but certainly also in good looks.
Ani is mild and easy-going in mind, very curious and loving. She learns quite fast, how a good puppy should behave. Luckily, she has Daddy Eddie and Mommy Leia to show her how. “Monkey see – Monkey doo”.
Ani really wants - everyting we introduce to her, she is ready.
We train "Strenght-Balance-Agile". Here it is required to think, along with smart use of the body. Coorparation at high level.
We bike - when the temperature is right. Once focus is found, then there is only one way ahead.
We show. She loves to come along, loves to show herself. And luckily it has gone well with the results.
Ended the first year as #3 Shooting Star - a tough placement among all baby/puppy/juniors in Danish Polardog Club.
3 certificates in a row accheived after 2 years birthday - and woop new Danish Champion.
Puppy plans are finally ready. We wanted to wait until Ani was ready. We wanted for her to be a bit more mature - both in body and in mind. We and Ani have enjoyed the juniortime.
On April 7th 2023 Ani gave birth to 6 gorgeous pups - 3 boys and 3 girls. Ani was a SUPER mom, who fondly nursed her babies. All have found excellent homes, and are developing just as we hoped for.
We kept a girl for ourselves. See more on Mija's site.
We are waiting for the pups to get old enough to have the health tests done - HD ED and Eye Check.
If results are promising, we will plan a second litter with Ani..