We have had malamutes since 1997, and Kennel Juneau has existed since 2002.
All the work with dogs and kennel was started by Karsten Schmidt and Bitten Poulsen.
Karsten is no longer among us. Read more about Karsten under "the one we miss.."
Bitten continued the work with Kennel Juneau.
In 2015 Henning joined in (and has not regretted a single moment)
Vintage 1972.
I im charge for planning, research, breeding, genetics, grooming, showing and part of the training. All the big decisions..
I grew up with dogs (mixed breeds), so a life without dogs is not an option.
I like to spend the spare time reading a good book, nursing the flowerbeds or spending time with good friends.
I have had my own horse for 15 years, so for me it was not difficult to choose an outdoor breed.
I work at Novo Nordisk A/S i Hillerød DMS Prefilled Devices.
Where the components to the single use devices FlexPen® og FlexTouch® and new devices are moulded in production.
I am Quality & Metrology Engineer, and work as support to the production with purchasing, developing new measuring equipment, a part of the job is qualification, validation, uncertainty budgets, training of operators, contact to suppliers abroad, ensuring compliance in all directions regarding requirements from authorities.
Due to work with in medical business, it is very close to me that all must documented and written down.

Vintage 1969.
I take part of the daily routines. All the theoretic I leave to Bitten.. I try to learn, but there are many names, titles and abbreviations to keep track of..
I have had dogs (mixed breeds) through the years, so I know the daily routines with having a dog. I have been learning the life with a malamute – it is not boring at all..
I like to spend the spare time with golf, sailing, renovating the house and spending time with good friends.
I also have a daughter, Cecilie, who stay with us every 2. Weekend. Cecilie is very fond of the dogs, so it happens she joins us, when we are out with the dogs.
I work at Novo Nordisk A/S i Hillerød DMD.
Here we test and develop new moulding forms for the first time, when they arrive.
I am Plast Processing Technician, and work together with mould responsibles and development to the a mould to run to its optimal.
The moulding forms produces the plastic components used in known products as FlexPen®, FlexTouch® and new devices under development.