Karsten Schmidt
On the June 26th 2008 Karsten passed away due to a heavy epileptic attack.
Karsten was one half of Kennel Juneau.
Karsten never only went half way, if something had caught his interest
- which Alaskan Malamutes did.
I was just thrilled to be the happy owner of Unalaska's Countess Smilla
from Joan Bach, but Karsten had great plans for Smilla in the show world.
He planned the right show with the right judges in Europe and the US
- which Smilla's show merits reveals...
When we were ready for our second malamute, we both agreed, that
what we were looking for was not to be found in Europe - but in the US.
Karsten spend a great amount of time searching the internet, bought books,
magazines, annuals to help the research. I just thought it was fun reading...
As Karsten's brother lives in Minnesota, the thought of bringing home
a puppy was not that far away.
Karsten took contact to Al & Mary Jane Holabach from Kennel Williwaw.
And we visited them the first time in 1998. We brought home
Williwaw's Qanuk.
Unfortunately we lost Qanuk in January 1999 due to severe stomach problems - and an eaten shoe sole…
In 2001 we went back to Kennel Williwaw for a puppy
- and brought back two..
Multi Ch.Williwaw's Anakin Skywalker and Multi Ch.Williwaw's Indian Spirit
Once again the show calendar was planned by Karsten, which shows
on Anakin and Indi's show merits...
In 2002 Karsten and I broke up, but we kept on sharing the dogs
as "part time dogs". A special relationship, which I am proud of could
continue to exist!
When Indi had the Indian litter in 2004, the puppies were born and raised
at my home, but Karsten participated as much as he could..
In 2006 Karsten really wanted to come along, when I together
with Camilla & Carsten went to Kennel Stormyth in Czech Republic
to bring home Elizabeth Elwynn of Stormyth - Akela. A real princess...
In the summer of 2007 we had to say goodbye to Smilla due to a tumor.
That was the hardest thing ever .. to say goodbye to our first Malamute.
Smilla was our special girl...
Karsten possessed a tremendous knowledge in all aspects regarding
pedigrees, breedings, other kennels - and worked as the theoretic,
the analyst, the planner, the investigator - and the diplomate...
It is thanks to Karsten that we have the special dogs we have today…
It is thanks to Karsten for the results we have achieved though the years…
It is thanks to Karsten that I have a solid foundation from where I can
continue the work…
At almost 36 years Karsten left behind Tilde, his girlfriend, Molly their
daughter, family - and the rest of us…
Kennel Juneau will continue as planned.
I know that the decisions I will make in the future, would be the same
as Karsten would make.
The loss of a dear friend will always be there…